Baldwin EMC supports a balanced approach to generating power to promote clean air and a healthy environment. Baldwin EMC’s wholesale energy needs are served by PowerSouth Energy Cooperative, a generation and transmission cooperative located in Andalusia, Ala. PowerSouth is member-owned by 16 electric cooperatives and four municipal electric systems in Alabama and northwest Florida.

Are you considering installing a solar power system at your home or business?
Please contact one of our energy marketing specialists at 251.989.6247 for information.

Are you considering purchasing an electric vehicle?
Take a look at our Electric Vehicles page for resources to make an informed decision.

Have you ever wondered where our energy comes from? Dive into our Alabama Living series of articles about the diverse resources that power your home or business!
* Nuclear options offer fresh sources for power
* Solar project provides renewable energy
* Natural gas takes the lead
* Hydropower is an often overlooked renewable resource
* Compressed air energy storage technology: Generating electricity out of thin air

Our Environmental Commitment
Baldwin EMC will promote conservation of energy and natural resources and protection of the environment in the electric utility industry.

Supporting Statements

  • Baldwin EMC will deliver power to its members in a cost-effective and energy-efficient manner.
  • Baldwin EMC will promote energy conservation practices in the operation of all its facilities.
  • Baldwin EMC will educate its members and communities on the benefits of energy conservation and environmental stewardship.
  • Baldwin EMC will use environmentally friendly work practices and procedures.
  • Baldwin EMC will support and encourage cost-effective development of renewable energy technologies.
  • Baldwin EMC will continue to support environmental programs and projects in our communities.

Through our commitment to the environment and our communities we can make a difference.

Get In Touch With Us

If you have questions about joining Baldwin EMC, or any other comments or concerns, we’re here for you! Reach out today, and let us help.

Let's Connect