Baldwin EMC Donates Collection of Photos to the Baldwin County Department of Archives and History

Baldwin EMC presented the Baldwin County Department of Archives and History with a collection of photographs the co-op had accumulated over the past several decades. The collection features an array of old familiar landmarks, aerial shots of the beaches and community businesses and industries.

“It’s amazing just how many pictures we’ve collected over the years,” said Baldwin EMC employee Kathy McGrew, who oversaw a recent project of cataloging Baldwin EMC’s photograph collection. “We had hundreds of pictures stored in boxes and files that needed to be organized and safely re-stored. As I started going through them, I realized we had so many that told a story about our community. These are snapshots of Baldwin County history and we felt we had to share them.”

“We tell the story of the people and places of Baldwin County by preserving records and artifacts of value and promoting a better understanding of Baldwin County’s history,” said Baldwin County Archives Director Felisha Anderson. “This collection of photographs received from Baldwin County EMC will definitely add to Baldwin County’s story!”

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