As of 10 a.m., Baldwin EMC announced it has restored power to more than 36,000 meters, 46% of its system. The cooperative now has 41,481 meters remaining without power due to Hurricane Sally. As of Saturday, Sept. 19, all 22 of Baldwin EMC’s substations are now energized. Of the 100 total circuits on the system, 86 now have power.


  • North of Interstate 10: 1,418 total meters restored, 5,106 meters without power; all circuits restored
  • Between Interstate 10 and U.S. Highway 98 going east/west: 6,778 total meters restored, 12,303 meters without power; 1 circuit without power
  • South of U.S. Highway 98: 23,274 total meters restored, 29,178 meters without power; 13 circuits without power

Baldwin EMC employees, along with hundreds of other line workers from across the country, are working diligently to restore power as safely and quickly as possible. Due to the widespread damage, the company does expect extended outages in some areas.

“Our service territory extends from southern Monroe County all the way south to the beaches and Fort Morgan,” says Baldwin EMC CEO Karen Moore. “When a hurricane this destructive directly hits a distribution system as expansive as ours, the restoration process is extensive and requires an immense amount of manpower.

“When crews first made an assessment of the damage, which included an estimated 4,297 trees on lines, 2,000 broken poles, 1,238 broken crossarms, and 4,160 span of line down, we knew we had a massive undertaking ahead of us. We still do, but we have made remarkable progress.”

Some of the unique circumstances the cooperative is facing include the size of the distribution system, consisting of 4,702 miles of line; salt accumulation and water intrusion over some equipment due to our proximity to the Gulf of Mexico, and the diverse nature of its service territory, which includes thousands of acres of dense timberland, numerous watersheds and marshy areas, and 32 miles of coastline.

“There are some factors working against us, but they don’t compare to the resiliency of what’s working for us,” Moore says. “We are receiving support from 92 cooperatives from 12 states, which has provided us with an additional 1,300 line workers, with more arriving today. We have also received tremendous support from our members during this time. They have prayed for us, they have cheered for us, they have offered words of encouragement, and they have put forth a nonstop outpouring of gratitude. We have a lot of work ahead of us, but we’re going to get through this together.”

 Baldwin EMC’s offices are closed until further notice as employees work to restore power.

 OUTAGE REPORTING LINE: Baldwin EMC members who need to report an outage should call (251) 989-6247 or (800) 837-3374. Outages can also be reported by texting Outage to 85700. (Members who are not already subscribed to the co-op’s outage texting service can sign up by texting Baldwin to 85700.)

For the most up-to-date outage information, follow Baldwin EMC on Facebook (, Instagram ( and Twitter ( or visit

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