Baldwin EMC’s Karen Moore Nationally Recognized as an Outstanding CEO Communicator

Baldwin EMC Chief Executive Officer Karen Moore has been named the 2022 CEO Outstanding Communicator by the Cooperative Communicators Association (CCA). Moore received the award at CCA’s annual institute in Santa Fe, N.M. The award recognizes the commitment of a cooperative chief executive officer to open communications as an integral part of an effective management style.

Moore, who has been CEO of Baldwin EMC since 2015, was nominated by Baldwin EMC’s communications and public relations team in recognition of her commitment to not just communications, but also transparency and relationships with employees.

In their nomination letter, members of the department noted that under Moore’s leadership, Baldwin EMC operates under the guidance of a well-developed strategic plan. “Within this plan, communication is a key element, a point Moore emphasizes to the cooperative’s board and employees,” the nomination letter read. “She has always believed in an inside-out approach to leadership and is known for saying that every co-op employee, regardless of job title, works in public relations and should be well-prepared for that role.”

In choosing Moore for the recognition, the CEO Outstanding Communicator Award’s panel of judges pointed out her emphasis on communications as a part of every Baldwin EMC employee’s job, her collaboration with national organizations to share the value of employee engagement, and her support for Baldwin EMC’s diverse and robust communications program as key contributors.

Since 1992, a total of 27 chief executive officers from cooperatives across the country have received the CCA’s CEO Outstanding Communicator Award.

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