A co-op style Christmas carol

Baldwin EMC CEO Karen Moore

I love getting into the holiday spirit – decorating the Christmas tree, exchanging presents and coming together with family to remember the reason for the season. Since I won’t have time to go caroling at each of your homes, please allow me to use this month’s column to offer a co-op style Christmas song from me to you.

On the first day of Christmas, your co-op gives to you: one state-of-theart control center that acts as your around-the-clock outage response center, even on holidays.

On the second day of Christmas, your co-op gives to you: $2.2 million in capital credits, which will be refunded to those who were members in 1990, 1991, 2014 and 2015. (see page 7 for more details).

On the third day of Christmas, your co-op gives to you: three district offices, where smiling employees are happy to serve your needs.

On the fourth day of Christmas, your co-op gives to you: 4,463 miles of line that bring light to your homes, schools, businesses, churches and more.

On the fifth day of Christmas, your co-op gives to you: 55,000 members just like you, whose membership in Baldwin EMC makes it possible for us to provide the electricity you depend on.

On the sixth day of Christmas, your co-op gives to you: six linemen who will be on call after hours on Christmas day in case your power goes out.

On the seventh day of Christmas, your coop gives to you: seven board members who are democratically elected by you to make decisions that guide Baldwin EMC’s operations.

On the eighth day of Christmas, your co-op gives to you: eight decades of electrical service to Baldwin and Monroe Counties.

On the ninth day of Christmas, your co-op gives to you: 98% satisfaction among Baldwin EMC’s members, according to our 2016 telephone survey.

On the tenth day of Christmas, your co-op gives to you: ten member service representatives right here in our headquarters office, who answer your phone calls, take your payments, report your outages and more.

On the eleventh day of Christmas, your co-op gives to you: an 11 cent per kilowatt hour cost, which is among the lowest for electric cooperatives across the country.

On the twelfth day of Christmas, your co-op gives to you: 12 issues of Alabama Living magazine per year, which allow us to keep you informed and up-to-date about what’s happening at your cooperative, even if not all of them come with a song. Merry Christmas!

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