Interested in enrolling?
Wish to be removed from Operation Round Up?

Small Change that Changes Lives
A local family loses their home in an early morning fire. A local English teacher needs to provide books for underprivileged students. A local hospital needs new dialysis equipment and a young couple is trying to deal with the financial strain of their new daughter’s birth defects. You see these types of stories on the news and read them in the papers. What have they all got in common? Thanks to Baldwin EMC’s Operation Round Up program, the answer to this question is “help in time of need.”

Please take a few moments to read the information about Operation Round Up below. If you or someone you know may benefit from the program, you can download the applications for assistance:

Application for Individuals

Application for Organizations

Here’s How it Works
Baldwin EMC was the 200th cooperative nationwide to adopt Operation Round Up. The program was established in 1989 as a means of providing assistance to the less fortunate in the area each co-op serves. Through this program, basic needs of individuals such as food, shelter and healthcare can be met and assistance can be provided in areas such as education and the environment.

Unless you choose not to participate, Baldwin EMC will automatically round each participating member’s electric bill up to the next dollar. For example, a bill of $73.46 would become $74.00. Individually, this is pretty small change; on average, members will contribute about six dollars annually to the program. The extra cents from each participating member’s bill will be collected and placed in the Baldwin Electric Membership Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit foundation directed by an appointed group of leading community members volunteering their time. The collected funds will then be redistributed to meet needs in the Baldwin EMC service areas and surrounding communities. Operation Round Up funds can go to local charities and service organizations as well as individuals in need.

Operation Round Up Board Members

Contact Operation Round Up:

The Opportunity to Make a Difference
Members of Baldwin EMC will now have the opportunity, the means, the encouragement and the reward of contributing voluntarily to worthwhile community activities and needs throughout our service territory. All Baldwin EMC members will be enrolled in Operation Round Up unless they choose not to participate. Participation is strictly voluntary and you can request to be removed from the program at any time.

Operation Round Up Enrollment Form

If you have been previously removed from Operation Round Up, and you would like to rejoin, please complete the form below. Your monthly electric bill will be rounded up to the nearest dollar amount.

Operation Round Up Removal Form

If you wish to participate in Operation Round Up do nothing. You will be automatically included. If you DO NOT want to participate in Operation Round Up and would like your name removed, please complete this form.

Get In Touch With Us

If you have questions about joining Baldwin EMC, or any other comments or concerns, we’re here for you! Reach out today, and let us help.

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