For reporters and journalists, the Baldwin EMC Media Center page is designed to be your first step when developing a news story on energy in the Alabama communities we serve. Whether you’re looking for tips on storm preparation and recovery efforts, or you’re covering a feature on the cooperative mission, you’ll find the most current and accurate facts, contacts and updates right here, and by following us on Facebook and Instagram.


All media inquiries should be directed to:

Mark Ingram
Vice President of Corporate Services & Public Relations
(251) 989-0229

Kim Frank
Manager of Communications & Public Relations
(251) 989-0294


Secure the facts using the links below.

Corporate Fact Sheet

Storm Center

Outage Map

For official Baldwin EMC logos, please send a request to with “Logo Request” in the subject line.

The Baldwin EMC Story

Take a look below to learn how our story began in 1937, and what a cooperative membership truly means.

About Baldwin EMC

Our History

What it Means to be a Member

Seven Cooperative Principles

Baldwin EMC is a member-owned cooperative supplying electric service to more than 89,000 meters throughout Baldwin County and southern Monroe County in southwestern Alabama. Our service territory is located between Mobile, Alabama, and Pensacola, Florida, and includes beautiful Gulf Shores and Orange Beach. We are the largest electric cooperative in the state of Alabama and one of the fastest-growing electric cooperatives in the nation.

Get In Touch With Us

If you have questions about joining Baldwin EMC, or any other comments or concerns, we’re here for you! Reach out today, and let us help.

Let's Connect