Notice of Trustee Nominating Committee Meeting

Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the bylaws of Baldwin County Electric Membership Corporation, a meeting of the Trustee nominating committee will be held at the office of the cooperative in Summerdale, Alabama on Monday, August 15, 2016 at 3 p.m. for the purpose of considering candidates for Trustee positions for districts one and three. Any member desiring to be considered for election to the office of Trustee must attend the meeting of the nominating committee at the date and time established above.

Any person desiring to seek board nomination is required to submit a completed application by the close of business on Monday, August 8, 2016. Interested members may obtain an application from the headquarters office of the cooperative. Such completed application should be delivered to the headquarters of Baldwin EMC located at 19600 State Hwy. 59 in Summerdale, Alabama.

The nominating committee will review prospective nominees and then nominate at least one person for each district to be voted on by the members. The nominating committee shall have the authority to suspend and reconvene the nominating committee meeting in order to evaluate the qualifications of those members seeking nomination to the board.

In addition to the persons nominated by the nominating committee, any prospective nominee satisfying the Trustee eligibility requirements set forth in the bylaws who was considered by the committee and not nominated may be nominated through official petition to the Cooperative Secretary. Members may contact the cooperative for further information regarding the election process.

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