Operation Round Up Presents Grants in March

ORU_Baldwin County United Way

Making a grant presentation to Baldwin County United Way are: (back row) Foundation Board Members Katie Warren, Carol Walker, and Rhonda Lipscomb; (middle row) Foundation Board Members Betty Mullek and Paige Griffin; (front row) Operation Round Up Chairman Caren Davis, and Baldwin County United Way representatives Leon Hill and Lana Mummah.

ORU_North Baldwin Ecumenical Association

Making a grant presentation to the North Baldwin Ecumenical Association are: (back row) Foundation Board Members Katie Warren, Carol Walker, and Rhonda Lipscomb; (middle row) Foundation Board Members Betty Mullek and Paige Griffin; (front row) Operation Round Up Chairman Caren Davis, and North Baldwin Ecumenical Association representatives Mary Robertson and Mary Ann Halliday.

The Baldwin County Electric Membership Charitable Foundation presented grants to two local charities in March. These grants were made possible through Baldwin EMC’s Operation Round Up program, which collects money for charitable causes by rounding up participating members’ electric bills to the next highest dollar amount, with the extra change used to fund grants. Grants must meet one of the six qualifying categories which are food, clothing, shelter, health, environment and education.

The North Baldwin Ecumenical Association received one of the two grants. The organization, which is based out of Bay Minette, offers assistance for basic living needs such as food and housing for families facing financial hardships.

United Way of Baldwin County also received a grant. The donation from Operation Round Up will contribute to the agency’s efforts to help families in the local community achieve education, financial stability and healthy lives.

For more information on the Operation Round Up program, including how to apply for assistance, go to www.baldwinemc.com.

Baldwin EMC is a member-owned electric cooperative serving approximately 68,000 meters in Baldwin and Monroe Counties in southwest Alabama, including Alabama’s Gulf Coast.

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