Operation Round Up Presents Grants

ORU_Red Cross

Making a grant presentation to the American National Red Cross: (back row) Foundation Board Members Johnny Chason, Katie Warren, Stan Moss and Raymond Gates; (middle row) Foundation Board Members Betty Mullek and Paige Griffin; (front row) Operation Round Up Vice Chairman Carol Walker and Red Cross representatives Michael D. Brown, Linda Crowell and Laurie Gruenloh.


ORU_The Lighthouse

Making a grant presentation to The Lighthouse: (back row) Foundation Board Members Johnny Chason, Katie Warren, Stan Moss and Raymond Gates; (middle row) Foundation Board Members Betty Mullek and Paige Griffin; (front row) Operation Round Up Vice Chairman Carol Walker and Lighthouse representative Joanne Sheils.


ORU_Mercy Medical

Making a grant presentation to Mercy Medical: (back row) Foundation Board Members Johnny Chason, Katie Warren, Carol Walker, Jim Lauder and Raymond Gates; (middle row) Foundation Board Members Betty Mullek and Paige Griffin; (front row) Operation Round Up Chairman Caren Davis and Mercy Medical representatives Donna Wilhelm and Patricia Scanland

ORU_Hope Haven

Making a grant presentation to Hope Haven: (back row) Foundation Board Members Johnny Chason, Katie Warren, Carol Walker, Jim Lauder and Raymond Gates; (middle row) Foundation Board Members Betty Mullek and Paige Griffin; (front row) Operation Round Up Chairman Caren Davis and Hope Haven representative Donna Armstrong.

In August and October, the Baldwin County Electric Membership Charitable Foundation presented grants to four local charities. These grants were made possible through Baldwin EMC’s Operation Round Up program, which collects money for charitable causes by rounding up participating members’ electric bills to the next highest dollar amount, with the extra change used to fund grants. Grants must meet one of the six qualifying categories which are food, clothing, shelter, health, environment and education.

Grants were presented to the following organizations in August:

  • The American National Red Cross, which provides disaster recovery assistance, support for America’s military families, blood donations for hospitals, and health and safety services.
  • The Lighthouse, which provides support and shelter for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.

Grants were presented to the following organizations in October:

  • Mercy Medical, which provides home health care, hospice services and retirement care for Baldwin County residents.
  • Hope Haven, which offers shelter and counseling to victims of human trafficking as well as spiritual and emotional counseling.

For more information on the Operation Round Up program, including how to apply for assistance, go to www.baldwinemc.com or call (251) 989-6247.

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