In an Emergency, Call; Don’t Email

We welcome your comments, but our dispatch crew is not able to respond to emergencies via email. For your safety, please notify the proper authority by phone if you have an electrical emergency.

Electrical Fire

If you have an electrical fire, make sure everyone leaves the building. Call 911 right away if you don’t think you can extinguish the fire. Then, if the fire is still small (for example, confined to an appliance), unplug the appliance or turn off the electricity, but don’t touch the appliance. Never put water on an electrical fire. Use a fire extinguisher recommended for electrical (class C) fires. If the fire has affected your service entrance wiring or your meter, call Baldwin EMC as soon as possible at (251) 989-6247 or (800) 837-3374. If you receive an automated message, please leave a message providing the location of the damaged wiring.

Electrical Shock

When a victim is in contact with live, indoor electricity, you should NEVER TOUCH THE VICTIM or the appliance, wire, etc., causing the shock. Shut off the power, if possible, by turning off the circuit breaker or unplugging the fuse. If it isn’t possible, call Baldwin EMC at (251) 989-6247 or (800) 837-3374. When the victim is in contact with a live outdoor wire, call Baldwin EMC and let us turn off the power. In all cases of electrical shock, get medical help immediately. Call 911.

Downed Line

Never touch or approach a downed power line. Always assume a downed power line is live and dangerous! Call Baldwin EMC immediately at (251) 989-6247 or (800) 837-3374. If you receive an automated message, please leave a message providing the location of the downed line. Then call 911 and report the line to them.

Get In Touch With Us

If you have questions about joining Baldwin EMC, or any other comments or concerns, we’re here for you! Reach out today, and let us help.

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