People Powered

CEO Karen Moore

We’ve spent the past 85 years providing electricity to the people of Baldwin and southern Monroe Counties. In that time, the way we do our work has changed drastically. Eight decades ago, there were no computers, cell phones, GPS navigation systems or Internet service. In fact, back then, this co-op didn’t even have bucket trucks.

What Baldwin EMC did have was people – people who weren’t afraid of a hard day’s work; people who knew the jobs they did made life better for their families and neighbors; people who took pride in serving their communities. That made all the difference in the success of the cooperative.

Today, we have tools and technology that our founding members never even dreamed of. We can do the same amount of work with a few clicks of a button that used to take all day. We have crews spread throughout our 1,500 square-mile service territory, able to work simultaneously without having to rely on scarce or shared equipment.

Yes, our operations look much different. But our people closely resemble those who built this cooperative from the ground up. Our team still believes wholeheartedly that the work they do makes a difference in the lives of the people and communities they care about.

If you ask them, that passion for their jobs and the knowledge that their work improves lives make it easier to keep coming back, some for ten, 20 and 30 years or more.

This past December, we honored the employees who had reached milestone service anniversaries. We also honored two men who went far above and beyond the call of duty to actually save lives in our community. These special recognitions gave me an overwhelming sense of pride in knowing that not only do we have so many employees who are tirelessly dedicated to their jobs, we also have those who are willing to exceed their job expectations when they see the need.

As members of Baldwin EMC, I hope you’ll take the time to recognize the value of being served by a people-powered, people-focused cooperative.

Speaking of that, I should point out that our employees aren’t the only reason we’re people-powered. This co-op is also fueled by you, our members. To us, you are not just a customer; you are a member and an owner of our co-op and without you, we would not exist. Working together, we can accomplish great things for our community now and in the future.

Get In Touch With Us

If you have questions about joining Baldwin EMC, or any other comments or concerns, we’re here for you! Reach out today, and let us help.

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