The terms and conditions for commercial and industrial deposits are as follows:

Applicants for First-Time Service

Deposit requirements will be the equivalent of three months’ estimated billing or a deposit amount established, on a case by case basis, by action of the Board of Trustees. Commercial deposits may be in the form of cash, surety bond or certificate of deposit.

Existing Commercial or Industrial Members

Members who have received service continuously for the preceding 24 months from the cooperative and have not been on the collection list more than once in the last 12 months, have no more than one insufficient funds check in the last 12 months, and have not been disconnected for non-payment in the last 12 months may secure a service or an additional service with one-half of the standard deposit requirement and may receive refund of the existing deposit down to one-half of the standard deposit (one and one-half months’ estimated billing). Applicants with a prior account listed as uncollectible or past due may secure service upon paying any amount owed Baldwin EMC and paying the deposit requirement.

Deposit Upgrade Program

Non-residential deposits will be increased to three months’ averaged billing on accounts which:

  • Have been disconnected for non-payment in the last 12 months,
  • Have been on the collection list more than once during the past 12 months, or
  • Register more than one insufficient funds check during the past 12 months.

Read more about the Deposit Upgrade Policy.

Get In Touch With Us

If you have questions about joining Baldwin EMC, or any other comments or concerns, we’re here for you! Reach out today, and let us help.

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