Baldwin EMC Board of Trustees
As a member of Baldwin EMC, you make an investment in your co-op every time you pay your bill. This collective investment in the co-op benefits you and the community immediately and over time. So what exactly is this and how do you benefit from it?
The basic service charge is a monthly investment that helps your co-op cover the expenses of maintaining the overall electric system.
The list of things that are made possible by your service charge investment could fill this entire page, possibly more. But there are some that we’re sure will resonate with you, such as:
• restoring power after outages
• keeping Baldwin EMC’s trucks fueled and running
• responding to phone calls
• managing computers and combatting cyber security threats
• processing bill payments
• building new lines, poles and substations when needed
• maintaining poles, wires and substations
As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, we believe the operational costs should be spread fairly and equitably across all of our members, regardless of the level of electricity used. That is why every member pays this service charge each month to cover basic operational costs. In essence, this gives each co-op member an equal share in Baldwin EMC’s operation.
Your monthly investment ensures you have access to safe, reliable and affordable power when you need it. We appreciate and value the investment that you make in the co-op each month, and we strive to use that investment wisely for the benefit of all members we serve.
The other portions of your bill, such as the cost of electricity and state taxes, will change from month to month. Your electricity use charge is affected by how much power you use in your home or business. That’s great news, because it means you can manage these costs by practicing energy efficiency, which will in turn lead you to a lower bill overall.
As always, if you have any questions about any aspect of your bill, you can call our member service center at (251) 989-6247.