Teachers Urged to Apply for Star Light Grants

Applications for Operation Round Up’s Star Light Award grants are now available at all Baldwin EMC offices and at www.baldwinemc.com. This program provides support to teachers for the purpose of improving learning through innovative and creative classroom projects.

Kindergarten through 12th grade teachers in accredited public and private schools within Baldwin EMC’s service area are eligible to apply. All repeat applicants are required to submit a new application.

Since the Star Light awards were created in 2011, more than 100 grants have been awarded to local teachers. Thanks to these funds, local students have gotten up close and personal with insects, improved their math skills and learned to play new instruments among many other things.

The grants are made possible through Baldwin EMC’s Operation Round Up program, which collects money for charitable causes by rounding up participating members’ power bills. Grant funds are administered by the nine members of the Baldwin County Electric Membership Charitable Foundation.

Star Light applications must be received at Baldwin EMC by close of business on October 3, 2017.

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